What I eat before, during, and after a 50K

hanging out with David Horton after the Promise Land 50K

I often get asked what I eat as a vegan during an ultra marathon race. I just finished the Promise Land 50K – the third race in the Beast Series. If you’re curious what I ate, read on …

The evening before the race

I eat a whole food plant-based diet and I don’t change my diet in the buildup to a race (don’t worry, I get enough protein). However, like many runners, I’m superstitious and like to eat the same meal for dinner before a race. For Promise Land, Lindsey made me a big Tupperware full of pasta with tomatoes, beets, mushrooms, and greens. I don’t have a picture but it looked a lot like this:


Breakfast before the race

I woke up at 4 am, 90 minutes before race start, and ate half a peanut butter and banana sandwich with Ezekiel bread plus a small banana and a Macro Greens juice.

About an hour before the start of the race I began sipping on a bottle of Skratch hydration mix (I’ll often drink water too). Then about 20 minutes before the start I ate one Huma gel.

During the race

About 45 minutes after the start I ate two Medjool dates and ate roughly every 30 minutes after that. I had another two dates, two Cliff Organic pouches, and three Huma gels. I also grabbed some banana pieces and watermelon slices at a few of the aid stations. I drank water and Tailwind from the aid stations. Overall, I probably took in about 1000 calories during the race. This mix of solid fruit, gels, and either Skratch or Tailwind is standard for all my 50K and 50-mile races.


Relaxing after the race with race director and ultra running legend David Horton


Post race

The veggie burgers at the finish had egg in them (why?? Hey Morningstar, I’m talking to you!) so I ate the other half of my sandwich, some fruit, nuts, and some chips. And lots of water. I may have also had a beer. We snacked on Lindsey’s amazing no-bake vegan cookies on the drive home.

When I got home, I had this awesome meal for dinner. It’s hard to beat plant-based burgers as a post-race meal!


What does the week after a race look like? After Terrapin and Promise Land, I’ve been experimenting with a fasting mimicking diet- you can read more about that here.

My tips for successful plant-powered ultra marathon nutrition and hydration:

  • Experiment with different foods and hydration on your long training runs.
  • Have a selection of sweet and savory foods to select from for specific race conditions and how you’re feeling.
  • Have a go-to pre-race dinner and breakfast that you know will not mess with your gut.
  • Know which typical aid station foods work and don’t work. Don’t be tempted by the crap that looks good on race day but you know could mess up your race.