My favorite five plant-powered meals of January

Eating a plant-based diet while running lots of miles is pretty easy. I don’t count calories or macronutrients and I’ve never found it difficult to get enough calories, even during my biggest weeks of training. If I’m hungry I’ll have a snack or an extra helping at lunch or dinner.

It definitely helps to be married to an awesome cook who creates so many tasty and nutritious dishes! In no particular order, here are my top five dishes by Lindsey from January:

Roasted mini-potatoes, parsnips, and chickpeas on a bed of sautéed greens, garlic, and tofu fingers. Plus a side of cauliflower bites! Loads of key minerals and vitamins and plenty of fiber and protein!

Dirty Millet from Bryan Terry’s Afro-Vegan Cookbook with a side of broccoli. Millet is full of important minerals such phosphorus, calcium, and manganese – all important for healthy bones!

Homemade bean burgers with homemade sauerkraut with Chao cheese, tomato, caramelized onion. Washed down with a tasty IPA. Black beans are low in fat and packed full of protein and fiber! Sauerkraut is full of awesome probiotics that reduce inflammation, boost your immune system, and provide many other benefits.

Miso soup with udon noodles, vegetables, seaweed, and sautéed marinated tofu. Miso is another great source of probiotics. Seaweed is full of important minerals including calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, and iron!

Sometimes on a cold January evening you need comfort food. Here’s a vegan version of a traditional British dish – bangers and mash – supplemented with loads of vegetables: broccoli, roasted Brussel sprouts, and roast potatoes. The sausages are from Field Roast – they’re amazing! Brussel sprouts are full of all kinds of key vitamins and minerals that provide many health benefits!

For inspiration on plant-based meals to fuel your runs and feed your family, check out Lindsey’s Instagram feed. She posting a picture of one of our meals every day.
